The following summarizes basic information about NCC
- NCC is the perfect camp for kids who love to learn about computers and also love to experience traditional camp fun!
- Residential camper schedule: arrive Sunday at 1pm and depart Friday at 2pm.
- Day camper schedule: Sunday 2pm to 9:30pm (optional after 7pm). Monday – Thursday day campers arrive at 8:45am and are picked up any time as of 5pm and no later than 9:30pm. Daily lunch and dinner is included for day campers. There is no extra charge for the extended day. Friday day camper schedule is 8:45am to 2pm. Day campers may be dropped off as early as 7:45am. The extra fee for early drop off is $80 per week and includes daily breakfast.
- At each location we offer residential and day camp programs for 8-18 year olds. A morning half day 8:45-11:30am camp for 6-8 year olds is also offered.
- NCC camps present a wonderful opportunity to sample college life and are ideal for experienced as well as first time campers.
- NCC selects college and university camp locations that provide excellent academic, recreation and air conditioned residence facilities.
- Each camp’s director is on location every day 24 hours per day. He/she is certified in 1st aid and CPR.
- Before camp the staff undergoes an extensive background check.
- Scholarship grants are available. Funds are limited and are distributed to all campers. – Register now.
- Tuition cost per week: residential camp price $1,350 per week minus $200 scholarship per week. Day camp price $1,095 per week minus $200 scholarship per week. Half day morning camp (8:45am-11:30am) cost is $400 minus $50 scholarship per week.
- Residential campers who attend more than 1 week may stay at camp for the weekend: Friday afternoon until Sunday noon. Campers then typically continue on for another camp week.The fee for the weekend is $245.
- The tuition refund policy is described in detail in the camp application. Be sure to read it.
- Morning camp is available to 6-8 year olds. Camp is Monday-Friday from 8:45 to 11:30. The tuition is $400 per week minus a $50 per week scholarship.
- Campers may attend the camp for several weeks each. Campers can start camp any week. For each camper the curriculum is continuous with no repetition from week to week.
- Coed ages 6-18 with computer backgrounds from absolute beginner to super advanced.
- NCC accepts applications until camp is booked.
- At camp all the computers are networked and connected to the Internet. Campers observe strict rules about Internet access – no exceptions.
- At each camp, each week, all courses are offered for beginner to advanced.
- During instruction campers are taught as individual learners and learn at their own pace.
- During instruction and during free time NCC provides each camper with his/her “own” computer.
- The camper to staff ratio is 5:1 and frequently just 4:1.
- The curriculum consists of the following major areas: video game design, computer languages, web page design, 3D printing, software applications, QR programming, Android App programming, Arduino Computer Lab, Assembler, and Minecraft Modding (see Curriculum).
- Campers select the course(s) they want to take on the Course Selection Form that is e-mailed to the campers upon receipt of the application. This form is also available online (see Forms and see Courses).
- Creative computing is part of the Computer+Computer option and is offered daily from 3pm to 4pm (see Schedule).
- Application software includes Photoshop, 3D Graphics, Web Animation, Flash, Networking, Power Point, Excel and Robot Battle (see Courses).
- Computer languages: Each week beginner, intermediate and advanced level instruction is offered in each computer language: Python, Scratch, C++, Java, Open-GL, Assembler, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
- NCC offers year-round online personal instruction and tutoring.
- Boy scouts and girl scouts can earn a computer merit badge at camp.
- An optional recreation program is available.
- International students are welcome. Each year we have campers attend from abroad. NCC will assist with visas.
- NCC urges prospective campers’ parents to call parents on the reference list. These parents have agreed to be listed.
- To receive a copy of the camp reference list, e-mail or call (203) 710-5771.
- Students who are 16 years old prior to camp and who attended NCC for at least one year, are eligible to apply for a Counselor In Training (CIT) position.
- National Computer Camps’ great point of pride is the large number of returning campers, counselors and directors.
- Residential campers are assigned roommates by age unless a specific roommate is requested on the camp application.
- All meals are prepared for NCC by the university food service and are served in the university dining hall. Campers select among a variety of hot and cold entrees served buffet style; also available are deli, pizza, salad, desert, and soda bars. Campers are free to go back for seconds and thirds. Special diets are accommodated on request.
- A list of what to bring to camp is emailed to campers upon registration. The list is also online – see Forms.
- Campers can receive visitors or telephone calls daily between 9am and 9pm.