13 Reasons to Choose NCC

From the Executive Director of NCC
I believe coding is essential for students’ development. It is logic. All students need to learn how to think, not just what to think. When studying coding, they learn how to reason with a specific result in mind and without bias. They are taught to follow rules and instructions. One cannot succeed in most of life’s pursuits without logic, a discipline that builds brain power. Coding is important for all students because it helps them become intellectually fit for life.

–Michael Zabinski, Ph.D. Executive Director, NCC

NCC recognizes that for students today, coding is becoming an essential skill just like reading, writing, and math.

NCC has developed an excellent reputation over the past 48 years where learning and fun are rolled into one and where the campers’ safety and self esteem are of foremost importance.

NCC is the original computer camp in the US. What distinguishes NCC from other computer camps is that NCC aims to provide campers with life time computer skills through personalized learning.

NCC gives campers from all parts of the US an opportunity to interact creatively. This harmonic integration of young minds is an important goal of NCC.

NCC has been innovative in introducing state-of-the-art curricula such as assembler programming and is the number 1 camp for programming and 2D/3D video game design.

NCC introduces young campers ages 6-8 to programming in a unique morning camp (1/2 day)

NCC provides instruction in video game design, in Android App programming, in a variety of software applications, and is the only computer camp that provides instruction in all age appropriate computer languages.

NCC is where the staff is great, the curriculum is up-to-date, the food is terrific, the directors are awesome, the tournaments are fun, the movies are recent, the recreation is optional, the dorms are modern and the dorm life is lively, the computers are plentiful, and the network games are exciting.

NCC encourages perspective campers’ parents to request the camp reference list. NCC firmly believes that no parent should send a son or daughter to camp without first obtaining feedback from ex-campers’ parents.

NCC selects outstanding ex-campers to join the staff. These young men and women have incredible knowledge, are enthusiastic, and provide continuity. They are excellent role models for the campers.

NCC is well known for the large number of returning campers, counselors and directors. For example, Hilary has been a camper, a counselor, and a director for over 25 years at several NCC camp locations.

NCC only occupies air conditioned space at beautiful campuses.

NCC is where campers arrive with a dream, make lifelong friends and leave with a future.